On November 30th, the final eclipse season of the year occurs with the Full Beaver Moon in mutable air sign, Gemini. The Full Beaver Moon is referred to as such due to the fact that it happens during the time of year that beavers start taking refuge in their dams as winter sets on. Eclipses exemplify change, and their residual energy can roll out over the course of sixth months until completion. Eclipses are the essence of concealment. They express and help us adapt the ways in which we encounter the world around us. They aid us in unearthing that which is suppressed, or even unconscious.
This lunar eclipse in Gemini reveals suppressed feelings, exposes falsehoods and stirs ups our desires. It shines light on how we interpret what we hear, share knowledge and communicate. It also is focused on how easily information can be distorted, misinterpreted and disseminated. All of this reveals suppressed feelings, exposes falsehoods and stirs ups our desires. It’s intense stuff, but confronting all this helps find a sense of relief, culmination, and releases dormant transformational energies. On the same day, Saturn and Mercury (which is currently in Capricorn) meet up, gratefully holding us back from overly emotional reactions to situations. This particular eclipse centers around the importance of beliefs, thought processes, and bringing to light the revolutionary truths that can lead us along a more positive path.
On December 1st, Mercury enters Sagittarius, encouraging us to voice and not suppress our emotions. Voicing our concerns and boundaries is pivotal. However, with the Sun in philosophical Sag plus a lunar eclipse in gabby Gemini could lead to…ahem…oversharing. Proceed with caution regarding what you divulge. Now is the time to take a hard look at any limited beliefs we may have, as well as any outdated ways of approaching anything new. This is a time to truly align ourselves with what we say and what we do.
Now is a time for getting rid of toxic distractions, actions and behavior. Focusing on what seizes your curiosity (the sinking of the Lusitania for example, whatever!) and takes our attention off of obsessing over endless news cycles is highly advisable. Zoom with friends, or safely in person and build each other the hell up. These simple moments offer potent nourishment. Finding ways we can nourish ourselves during this dark winter is essential.
During this transit, the Moon will conjunct with fixed star Aldebaran. This is a major transit. Ancient astrologers believed that business and success was potent during this time. Jump into any venture guiding your passions at the moment. This eclipse happens before one of the greatest astrological events that will happen in our lifetimes. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on Yule (December 21st) will be the first time in several hundred years that these planets will conjunct in a new element: air. Change is going to be happening. Change compels us to evolve, no matter how uncomfortable we may feel. This is part of why right now self-care is essential: we are already experiencing the pre-change leading up to this event, and must give ourselves sustenance.
We must keep in mind clear communication, our beliefs, and what changes we want to see in the world. Now started yesterday. Use this time of wintering in place to reflect and process your version of 2020. Not a pretty thought, I know. But take stock of who you were this time last year, see how you have evolved. You’re a survivor. We all are. Contemplating what intentions to set for 2021 starts now. For many, the idea of change is uncomfortable, but we have all learned to somehow adapt ourselves to the biggest global change the modern world has seen. That’s a hell of a lot to process, and part of healing is processing. With the coming of the Great Conjunction is a new beginning. This cycle will last for the next 200 years or so. No pressure!
Stay strong and carry on.