Astrology tarot

Capricorn Season 2020/2021

Megan Moonbat

written by : Megan Moonbat

photography : Megan MoonBat

Listen to the playlist

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The Sun shifts from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Yule, or the Winter Solstice, on December 21st, lasting until January 19th. In the Northern Hemisphere, this kicks off the beginning of winter. This, combined with The Great Conjunction on the same day will leave us feeling more grounded, but combined with the perpetual stress 2020 has left in its wake, more fatigued than usual as well.

The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn coming together in Aquarius makes the urge to spend time with our closest crew that much stronger. Planet of communication, Mercury, backs this up with a desire to talk to our nearest and dearest. Finding safe ways to do so is key. Keeping to your pod, and responsibly sharing beforehand any close recent contact to avoid contagion is a real conversation we should all try to feel comfortable having. Having yourself a decadent little Christmas with friends and family, even if it’s just through a computer screen doesn’t replace the physical company of others, but at least it gives an option of ways we can come together. Take some time to channel the creepy, old-fashioned Victorian take on the holiday season by indulging in some spooky movies, podcasts or books. If you love cooking, can swing it, and/or hate cooking: allow yourself to splurge on whatever culinary treats tickles your fancy.

As the zodiac’s cardinal earth sign, Capricorn draws attention to matters of financial security. This has been a tough year, and many of us are hurting financially. There is no shame in channelling the practicality of Capricorn to sit down and create a financial plan around how you earn and spend money. Money isn’t everything, and the capitalist structure we live in demands our lives to depend on it at the expense of all else.

However, taking a pragmatic approach in a prudent, more determined way now can lead to a better sense of stability farther down the road. Setting your personal budget, and following through on your obligations will help you hit the ground running as we enter 2021. Down-to-earth Capricorn’s vibe is here to help us get our business together, and reach for our corporeal goals as well as lending a good dose of persistence in attaining them. Heading into 2021, focusing on these goals will grant us an extra dose of discipline and patience as our energies are all waning with what feels like this never-ending global situation we continue to endure.

Wrangling in pesky, perfectionist tendencies will help you find relief and realization in knowing that no one knows everything. If you don’t understand something: ask, if you don’t know about something: find out more about it. We are not born all-knowing (though some people seem to think they were), and there’s no shame in not knowing or making mistakes. Don’t overload yourself with impossibly high expectations. Lean in to your limits, and don’t let anyone push you beyond them: be it an employer or a potential romantic entanglement. You are enough. If you are on the dating scene (which I don’t even know how that works right now due to the ‘Rona pandemic), let your potential mate see you for you, and if they find fault with that, they can take it or leave it. Remember, no one is everyone’s cup of haunted bog water.

Look out for any adventure, no matter how small. Focusing on small adventures close to home that don’t cost you money will help remind you that there are more important things than money and stuff. Sure, we need money to survive, we love our stuff, but finding the beauty in a walk in the park, an intimate conversation with one of your closest people will further reinforce the feeling that you are enough with what you have and who you are. with Allow yourself to embrace optimism as well as spontaneity this holiday season. We’re going to get through this.

Set your intentions for Capricorn Season with our seasonal tarot spread

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1. What do I need to better communicate?

2. What pleasurable activity should I indulge in?

3. What in my life needs attention now for me to bring more stability into my life for the future?

4. What are my obligations?