Astrology Witchcraft

Scorpio Season 2021

Megan Moonbat

written by : Megan Moonbat

photography : image: 'Scorpio Rising', Kenneth Anger, 1964


Scorpio Season comes blustering in on Saturday, October 23rd to heighten our passions all the way through Sunday, November 21st. At first blush, most would consider Scorpio a logical fire sign, but Scorpio (along with Pisces and Cancer) is a water sign. Scorpio is ruled by emotion, and water (also seen in the Cups of the Tarot) is the element that deals with all the high and low tides of the emotional realm.

We are now entering the dark half of the year: Scorpio’s time to thrive. Scorpio spends all year round in the shadows, and while others are hunkering down to face the dreary days that lie ahead, Scorpio is ready to shine. The Planet Pluto, named after the god of the Underworld, is one of this sign’s ruling planets. Pluto aids in shadow working, an area where Scorpions excel. While Pluto aids in accepting and confronting death, it is more than mere morbidity. Like the character of Death in The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman, it helps us live in the moment to make the most of life. The Death card in the Tarot is associated with Scorpio, which focuses on personal discovery and self-renewal after a period of change. Resilient Scorpio encompasses this constant state of evolution.

This passionate warrior of the zodiac is also ruled by Mars, and is in their element in the realms of loving fiercely and battling with gusto. This complex sign is full of contradictions, however. While they crave excitement, they equally cherish their routines. They’re not so much into buzzing from fling to fling, but for falling hard and fast into passionate partnerships.

Scorpio Season is an intense time where we find ourselves expressing what we have repressed. This can show itself in all kinds of ways, depending where Scorpio sits in your chart. Focusing on how we express what we need to put out there is a key to navigating this heady time. Scorpions come with powerful stingers, and we must be mindful our stings aren’t poisonous. Taking time for self-care is vital right now, and it’s important to be aware of what we are putting out there. Meditation and nursing our vulnerabilities will aid in softening those jagged edges.

On the flip side, there is absolutely nothing wrong with fighting back, and channelling this warrior energy to make some good trouble might just be what is needed. Scorpio gets its strength from the psychic, emotional realm and will help in intuiting how to proceed. Just make sure to think before you strike.

Scorpio Season is ideal for nourishing our mental health and psychological exploration. In addition, this clairvoyant sign aids in divination, making it an excellent time to dive into divinatory tools such as pendulums, runes or tarot just to name a few. With Mercury (finally) ending its last retrograde of the year on October 18th, we will find a major boost in matters of communication and depleted energy levels.

The Scorpio Super Moon occurs on November 4th, where we will experience intuitive watery energy flowing through the cosmos, helping us to just go with the flow while not remaining stagnant. Don’t let stubbornness build a dam in your psyche, letting things flow is the way to go. On November 19th, the Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus comes for the first time since 2014, creating a new cycle that will be felt more intensely in 2022. Mars and Saturn will both be active during this time, causing emotions to run high, and what we do to center ourselves beforehand will aid in this cosmic shift. As famed Ascendant in Scorpio, Bette Davis says in All About Eve: “Fasten your seatbelts – it’s going to be a bumpy night.”